
Instructions to Pull Reports for Practice Analysis


  • Patient Analysis Report: Reports/ Patient/ Patient Analysis
  • Provider Productivity: Reports/ Provider/ Provider Productivity/ All Providers/ 12 month date range
  • Procedure by Provider: Reports/ Provider/ Procedures By Provider/ All Providers/ 12 month date range
  • Accounts Receivable: Reports/ Financial/ Accounts Receivable by Responsible Party/ Totals only
  • Fee Analysis: Reports/all reports/services/service code master productivity

DENTRIX / Easy Dental

  • Practice Statistics Report: Office manager/ practice statistics (no date range)
  • Practice Analysis Report: Office manager/ analysis/ practice/ reports/ enter 12 month date range/ all providers/ in the right section uncheck by category/ check by cross coding/ ADA code (or procedure code) Production/ Collections/ Adjustments
    • Run the analysis report again but run it only by hygienists to get the hygiene totals.
  • Accounts Receivable Report: office manager/ ledger/ aging report

Open Dental

  • Production by Provider: Reports/ Production Summary/ monthly/12 month date range/ all providers
  • Procedures by provider: Reports/Procedures/ click on grouped by procedure code/ use 12 month date range
  • Accounts Receivable: Reports/ monthly/ select aging of A/R/ totals only
  • Fees: Reports/ standard/list procedure codes/ fee schedule/ use UCR
  • Patients: reports/ standard/ lists/ active patients ( within the last 24 months)


  • Register for a period will show the patient number
  • Click on Report/highlight practice management/ highlight reports/ click on by ADA Select printer and click ok/ enter a 12 month date range/ by default the report runs by all providers change it to doctors only


  • Production Report - Reports -> Financial Reports -> Production Summary -> Report filters: Choose date range -> Export CSV (This report gives you a provider breakdown as well as a procedure breakdown)
  • Collection Report - Reports -> Financial Reports -> Collection Summary -> Report filters: Choose date range -> Export CSV
  • Adjustment Report - Reports -> Financial Reports -> Adjustment Summary -> Report filters: Choose date range -> Export CSV
  • Referrals (had to create this as a new report; see below instructions on creating the new report) - Reports -> Financial Reports -> Referral Production -> Add Filters: Referral Source is not empty -> Group by Full Name
  • Referral Production report creation: Reports -> Create New Report -> Report Name: Referral Production -> Report Category: Financial Reports -> Report Type: Production Summary -> Columns Selected: Full Name, Procedure Name, Procedure Code, Cost, Date Became New Patient, Referral Source, Profile Created Date -> Click Finish
  • Active Patients - Reports -> Patient Reports -> Active Patients -> Add Filters: Last Appointment Date after date 11/01/2018 (choose whatever date is appropriate; I chose for a 24 month period)